Constructivism Color Scheme

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Constructivist Poster


Stylish Constructivist Posters


Well-known Constructivist Book Covers

'Arkhitektura' cover design by El Lissitzky.

'Novyi lef' book cover design (for Lef, no. 8) (1923) by Alexander Rodchenko.

'The Isms of Art' book cover design (1924) by El Lissitzky.

'Dlia Golosa' (For the Voice) book cover design (1923) by El Lissitzky.

'Veshch' book cover design (1921-1922) by El Lissitzky.

'Artists' Brigade' book cover design (1931) by El Lissitzky.

Back cover of 'Razgovor c fininspektorom o poesii' (Conversation with the Finance Inspector About Poetry, 1926) by Mayakovsky.

'Maquette' book cover design (1924) by Rodchenko.


The Stenberg Brothers, Vladimir & Georgii Stenberg

Studied engineering, designed posters while at school. Became involved in the Constructivists movement as students. From 1922-31, the brothers designed sets and customes for the theater and contributed to the journal LEF (art journal of the left front.)

The Stenbergs practiced in a wide range of media; sculptor, theater design, architecture, clothing, and shoes. But they excelled in their theater costume and graphic design. Especially in film posters because of the huge interest in movies in Russia and the government’s allowance for graphic design for the cinema.

The innovative aspects of the Stenberg posters include; distortion of perspective, elements of Dada’s photomontage, an exaggerated scale, a sense of movement, and a dynamic use of color and typography. This style and these characteristics were imitated by many.


Constructivist Furniture Design

The following furniture/interior designs are made by Julien Jockers (ArmadaQuadrat). It is called HIL chairs which are made from black or colored acrylic and acrylic glass. There are 2 versions, each available in 7 different colors.


Constructivist CD Artwork - The Hives

The following CD artwork is made by Ryan Doggendorf, for an Swedish band 'The Hives', for their single called 'T.H.E.H.I.V.E.S.'.

“The song is about the Hives owning the world, so I created a Constructivism inspired battle with the arrows representing the hives attack plan to rule the world.”


Constructivist Posters

Here are some pretty nice and funny Constructivist poster designs by Egon Zakuska


Priced Constructivist Fonts

Price: $29.00 - Buy online

Brave World
Price: $12.00 - Buy online

Crow Beak
Price: $15.00 - Buy online

Price: $39.00 - Buy online

East Bloc Closed
Price: $4.99 - Buy online

Gagarin Anna
Price (14 fonts package): $350.00 - Buy online

Price: $36.00 - Buy online

Price: $29.00 - Buy online

Price (7 fonts package): $172.55 - Buy online

Price: $29.00 - Buy online

Price: $26.00 - Buy online
